The Committee
Enriching the school life of the children at St Matthews
The FOSMPS committee are an elected team of unpaid volunteers, who are parents of children at the school. ​ The committee are elected each year at the annual AGM.
Committee Positions
Required to attend regular committee meetings (monthly and as required), forms the governing body of FoSMPS and has voting rights.
Chairperson(or Co-Chairs) (Trustee)
The Chairperson/Co-Chairs, with support of the Trustees, will provide leadership and guidance to the Committee. The role requires enthusiasm and energy. Responsibilities include:
liaise regularly with the Head Teacher to ensure FoSMPS are working in harmony with the school (normally once a month and via email),
chair meetings, ensuring that they are open to all and everyone is able to contribute.
oversee the formation and activities of sub-committees for fundraising and other activities to ensure they prepare appropriately for, and receive the required support to hold a successful event/activity,
engage and meet with primary partners that support the school with financial sponsorship and or products/services.
Secretary (Trustee)
Responsibilities include:
take, typing up and distributing the minutes of meetings.
managing the FoSMPS diary.
Treasurer (Trustee)
Responsibilities include:
maintain up-to-date records of all FoSMPS financial transactions including issuing bills and receipts on behalf of FoSMPS and taking payments/ completing banking transactions on a timely basis.
prepare financial statements for the AGM, and ongoing updates for committee meetings.
ensure that a financial return is submitted to the HMRC.
Trustees x4:
To support the Chairperson/Co-Chairs, to provide leadership and guidance to the Committee. To fulfil the role of chair in the absence of a nominated individual. To provide guidance and advice to the Chair/Co-Chairs and the committee. To be advocates of FoSMPS.
Communications Lead
Lead and co-ordinate FoSMPS communications, improve and produce regular comms, to promote FoSMPS activity and to help parents be informed and involved.
Possible other roles (with voting rights):
Events Lead(s)
Co-ordinating the tasks for key events, supporting and liaising with the Chairperson/Co-Chairs and or team leader(s)
Sponsorship Lead
Lead and co-ordinating sponsorship activity and explore new sponsorship opportunities, liaising with the Chairperson/Co-Chairs and Events Lead in the run up to events.
Other Possible Appointed Roles (without voting rights)
Environmental Champion
Review FoSMPS’ activity and suggest ways to provide a healthy balance between optimal fundraising and sustainability; to help the Chairperson/Co-Chairs, Trustees and Committee make informed decisions.
Sports Champion
Co-ordinating sports activity and explore new opportunities to bring sport into FoSMPS activities/fundraising efforts ; to help the Chairperson/Co-Chairs, Trustees and Committee make informed decisions. ​
Music Champion
To co-ordinate and promote music and music based activity; to help the Chairperson/Co-Chairs, Trustees and Committee make informed decisions.
General Champion ( no limit to number)​
Contribute the running of the committee including fundraising activities
Class Reps (2 per class) - does not have committee voting rights
To be the liaison between FoSMPS and parents in their child’s class.
Cascade comms from FoSMPS to parents
Act as advocates of FoSMPS
Encourage parents to support events and get involved with activities including each class running a stall at the Summer and Christmas Fair
Arrange class social events to boost interaction and inclusion.
To arrange Christmas, and end –of-year cards for teachers and their assistants.