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Join us

You don't have to be a committee member to contribute... a few hours getting involved in an event, or bringing your personal talents,  hobbies or work experience to the team to deliver projects can really help. 


In the school community we have a wealth of experience and knowledge and we want to tap into this to make an even bigger difference.  Perhaps you love gardening and can work on a project with the school allotment, or have health and safety experience and can help with risk assessments, or a willing to help with some admin tasks like printing and laminating.  It all makes a difference. 


If you are looking to get more involved we are looking for committee members, who contribute regular time to co-ordinate events, and work on longer term projects. 


Please take a few mins to complete our contact form at the bottom of the page and we will get in touch

What our volunteers say...

Joining FoSMPS I feel like like part of the school community, and take an active role in supporting our children's education

Since joining FoSMPS I have met a fantastic social group of people who are so passionate about raising money for our school. 

Over a cup of tea

Through FoSMPS I get to use some of the skills that I don't get to use in my day job, it is hard work at times but extremely rewarding

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