Tue, 01 Oct
|St Matthews School
Our Annual General Meeting open to all parents/carers where we discuss: Purpose and objectives for the coming year including financial update, upcoming events and spending objectives and confirm the elected Committee for the coming year. Pizza and drinks and a chance to socialise

Time & Location
01 Oct 2024, 19:00 – 21:00
St Matthews School, Langley Rd, Surbiton KT6 6LW, UK
About the Event
Our Annual General Meeting open to all parents/carers where we discuss:
Purpose and objectives for the coming year including financial update, upcoming events and spending objectives. Â Â Pizza and drinks and a chance to socialise.Â
1. Welcome: Chair(s)
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the Previous AGM held in October 2023 – a copy will be available on the St Matthews Primary School website
4. FOSMPS – Who Are We and What Are Our Aims (For Information)
5. Chair(s) Report 2023/24– Chairperson(s) reporting on years activity (For Information)
6. Financial Update (For Consideration & Vote)
7. Calendar of Proposed Events & Fundraising (For Information)
8. Confirmation on the Election of TrusteesÂ
9. Appointment of Auditor
10. AOB / Close 9.00pm
If you are interested in joining the commitee please drop us a line to and we would be happy to tell you more.Â
Please also read our recent communication on submitting nominations for Commitee/Trustee roles. Â Note nominations must be submitted by 24/09/2024 by email to including your full name, the year group your child/children are in, a short paragraph on why you wish to be a trustee as well as your consent to have your nomination published on the fosmps website to facilitate voting in advance of the AGM
The rest of the meeting gives a change for interested parents/carers to find out more about the work of FoSMPS and how to get involved.Â